Internal/External Essay

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In 1993 Fons Trompenaars and Charles HampdenTurner   identified  seven  dimensions  of  culture  in a model  that  they outline  in their  book The Seven Cultures of Capitalism: Value Systems for Creating Wealth  in  the  United  States, Britain,  Japan,  Germany, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands. Five of the  seven dimensions  deal with challenges of how people relate to one another.  The other two dimensions deal with how a culture manages time and how it deals with nature.  This latter  dimension  the two authors labeled internal versus external control. This dimension   examined   whether   a  culture   believed that  it controlled  the environment or the environment  controlled  the  culture.  The following examines the cultural dimension of control in more detail and specifies the application of the internal-external control dimension  to management decision making in multinational corporations (MNCs).

Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner proposed that one way to examine how multinational corporations control  their  operations  is to  identify  whether  the MNC utilizes internal  control  or external control  in their overall strategy. This concept of internal versus external  control  is derived  from  the  psychological variable known as locus of control. Locus of control refers to a person’s belief about what causes the good or bad results in their life. Locus of control can either be  internal—the  person  believes that  she  controls herself and  her  life—or external—his  environment, some higher power, or other people control his decisions and his life.

The notion of locus of control was first developed in 1954 by Julian Rotter,  who in 1966 developed  a scale to measure locus of control. Extending Rotter’s work, Trompenaars and  Hampden-Turner propose that  cultures  with internal  control  believe they can control  their  own destiny, and that  natural  systems and events are there to be conquered.  Cultures with external control believe that one’s destiny is predetermined  and that  one should  focus on how to live in harmony with nature and others.

To illustrate  the differences between internal  and external control cultures, Trompenaars and HampdenTurner  presented  managers from different countries the following statements: “Nature should take its course, and we just have to accept the way it comes and do the best we can” versus “It is worthwhile trying to control important natural forces like the weather.” More than 50 percent of the managers from Spain and Cuba agreed with trying to control nature, while only 20 percent  of managers from Egypt and Kuwait did so. Additionally, when international managers  were asked to choose between the statements  “What happens to them is their own doing” versus “Sometimes I feel I do not  have control  over the  directions  my life is taking,” 82 percent  of U.S. managers chose the first statement  while only 40 percent  of Russian and 39 percent of Chinese managers did. Other countries with internal control include Brazil, Canada, France, and Norway, while Hong Kong, India, and Singapore display external control.


In applying the concept to MNCs, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner define internal control as an MNC placing its focus on what it does best. At the other end of the spectrum,  companies need to know what customers want, which is a focus on external control. MNCs need to give attention to issues of both internal control and external control, but it generally turns out that the corporation emphasizes one type of control over another.

Theoretically, in external control cultures, managers can become fatalistic, believing that situations must be accepted rather than changed. They see luck, chance, and change as powerful and real factors in business success. Conversely, in internal control cultures, managers, confident that they can conquer obstacles, tend to be more proactive. Generally speaking, however, most MNCs are not at the extreme ends of the internal/external control continuum.

For example, those  MNCs that  focus on internal control  often have a dominating  attitude  toward the environment (sometimes bordering on being aggressive). Management  teams in MNCs with a focus on internal  control  are often  uncomfortable  when  the environment seems changeable, to the point of viewing the environment as out of control. In an internal control  environment,  conflict  and  resistance  by an individual is seen as a sign the person has convictions. Additionally, an internal  control  environment has a focus on self, function,  one’s own group, and  one’s own organization.

By contrast, in an MNC emphasizing external control, harmony, sensibility, and a flexible attitude  that encourages  compromise  and  keeping the  peace are desired. Additionally, managers are comfortable with the changes that  occur  in the environment and see them  as natural.  Finally, the focus of the business is outward, toward customers and partners.

It follows, then, that internal  MNCs are competitive, often playing “hardball” with competitors in an effort to win. Additionally, managers often emphasize authority  and dominate  subordinates.  On the other hand, external  MNCs are much  more  oriented  to a win-win strategy, seeing relationships  with others as more  important than  winning. They also stress the team over individual achievement.

Interestingly, the results of a survey of senior professional accountants from the world’s major accounting firms in Australia, India, and Malaysia indicate  that Australian accountants perceived whistle-blowing as an internal  control  mechanism  compared  to Indian and Malaysian cultures. The findings suggest that internal  control  cultures  believe that  reporting  on wrongdoing  is a viable means of being able to effect change,  while  external  control  cultures  are  much more fatalistic, believing such actions are futile.


  1. Chris Patel, “Some Cross-Cultural Evidence on Whistle-Blowing as an Internal  Control  Mechanism,” Journal of International  Accounting Research (v.2/1,2003);
  2. Julian Rotter, “Internal Versus External Control of Reinforcement: A Case History  of a Variable,” American Psychologist (v.45, 1990);
  3. Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner, The Seven Cultures of Capitalism: Value Systems for Creating Wealth in the United States, Britain, Japan,  Germany,  France, Sweden,  and  the  Netherlands (Piatkus, 1993).

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