Category: Political Science Essay Examples
See our collection of political science essay examples. These example essays are to help you understanding how to write a political science essay. Political science is not merely an academic discipline, and political scientists do not just study the anatomy of politics. Political science is renewed with every political administration and with every major political event and with every political leader. Influential political leaders construct their own -isms (Fidelism/Castroism, Maoism, Gandhism, Reaganism, and so on) so that the political philosophies and ideologies that undergird the discipline have to be reinvented constantly. Also, see our list of political science essay topics to find the one that interests you.
Leo Strauss (1899–1973) was a German twentieth-century political philosopher whose writings continue to echo through present-day debates on modernity and its prospects. Lamenting the onslaught by liberal relativism on tradition, customs, and moral principle, Strauss emphasized the message of ancient political philosophy as a remedy for the wastefulness …
Leo Strauss was born and educated in Germany. Fleeing from the Nazis in the early 1930s, he emigrated first to England and then to the United States. He was a professor of political philosophy at the New School for Social Research until Robert Maynard Hutchins brought him to …
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other donors to developing countries with the goal of addressing underlying problems in national economies that cause persistent balance-of-payments problems. Structural adjustment loans are programmatic in nature and do not finance specific projects but rather support policy reform. Conditions attached to the loans …
A structural equations model is a representation of a set of relationships among constructs and between those constructs (or latent variables) and their indicators (or observed variables). The first component is the measurement model, which is constituted by the relationships between latent variables (or constructs) and their respective …
Structuralism is a theoretical and methodological perspective, often combined with functionalism, and employed in the social sciences. At the foundation of the perspective is the assumption that society is a system with distinct parts interlinked and positions determined by the overall structure itself. Generally, linguist Ferdinand de Saussure …
Student politics is a term encompassing a broad range of student behavior. It generally refers to collective student activity that aims at effecting political or social change. Most student movements and organizations falling under this heading, therefore, look “outward” at the political and social environment beyond the campus. …
Subaltern politics refers to the political activity of subaltern social groups (i.e., the political activity of subordinated and marginalized social groups). The concept originated in the work of the Italian socialist and political theorist, Antonio Gramsci, who developed the concept to describe, categorize, and analyze the activity and …
Subsidiarity is the principle that policy making should be taken at the lowest capable level of government. The term gained political prominence in the 1990s when it became a central operating principle of the European Union (EU). It was cited in the Treaty on European Union (1992) to …
Serial summitry has become a regular part of the contemporary diplomatic global landscape. It is a measure of the significance that summit diplomacy has acquired in the early twenty-first century that, according to Gideon Rachman, “the formation of the G20 group of world leaders is likely to be …
William Graham Sumner (1840–1910) was a prominent American sociologist and a vocal advocate of laissez-faire capitalism, anti-imperialism, and the futility of social reform. His academic works and popular essays contributed significantly to the influence of social Darwinism on American political and economic thought in the late nineteenth century. …
Courts of “last resort,” or “supreme” courts, derive from the idea that law, rather than politics or standing in a community, is the basis for the authority of government. The U.S. Supreme Court is an expression of this belief, as are similar courts worldwide, including those in Canada …
In its simplest form, surveillance refers to gathering information through watching people. This is counter to forensics, which consists of gathering information by examining clues left in a given location. In practice, surveillance is significantly more complicated. Historically, surveillance has been a direct process of watching people, as …
Survey research is one of the most important and most frequent types of quantitative social science research. In a typical survey, a researcher selects a sample of units of interest (e.g., individuals, households, families, political candidates, formal organizations) from a defined population and then collects information from them …
Survey data are collected in a variety of ways: face to face, self-administered, telephone, mail, and the Internet. Each has its own strengths and limitations. The choice of method begins by understanding how the final data will be used and how the responding population would most like to …
Jonathan Swift (1667–1745) was a prolific eighteenth-century European satirist whose work took aim at many targets: the English government, the slave trade, the Whig party, and organized religion, just to name a prominent few. While his Gulliver’s Travels (1726) and A Modest Proposal (1729) stand as his most …
Syndicalism refers to revolutionary unionism and represents a range of perspectives that view the economic organizations of the working class and workers’ control of industry as the basis of revolutionary social transformations. Syndicalism has influenced diverse movements and perspectives that take the collective self-organization and direct action of …
Systems analysis is the actual application of different variants of systems theory to the inquiry into sociopolitical reality. Systems theory itself is based on the analogy of social phenomena and biological organisms, and it was one of three main approaches in the 1950s to the study of politics, …
Neither the concept of system nor that of structure is original or unique to political science, yet each is a core concept in the field. The notion of the international system is crucial to the study of diplomatic history since the work of the historian Leopold von Ranke …
The thesis that systems transformation is a structural discontinuity caused by major war has been at the heart of much international relations theory. For classical realists, an international system is created by conflicts and destroyed by conflicts. Hegemonic stability, power transition, and long cycle theories identify major war …
Political talk radio—programs that emphasize political events, issues, policies, and public affairs—has been a feature of American politics since the 1930s. President Franklin Roosevelt used radio to address the public during economic depression and world war, while Father Charles Coughlin provided an opposing voice. Radio call-in programs, where …