Incumbency Essay

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Incumbent refers to the current holder of a political office. The term is used mostly in reference to elections as candidates are often defined by their status as an incumbent or a nonincumbent because incumbency instills benefits that are elusive for nonincumbents. One of the most difficult aspects of campaigning for elected office is generating name recognition among voters, which requires money and visibility. Incumbency affords this type of advantage. To be politically viable, one needs to raise money—and in many cases, do so better than one’s competition. Incumbency supplies candidates with the ability not only to call on past supporters but also to seek out new donors more easily. Contributors are more willing to donate to an incumbent because that person has already been elected once and thus has a better chance of being elected again. Last, incumbents can utilize the benefits of being in office to their advantage. They can capitalize on the esteem of their office, advertise their accomplishments and experience, and benefit from a cadre of willing supporters and staffers to assist in their election. In many respects, incumbency allows them to rely on an existing campaign structure.

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