Mixed Method Essay

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Mixed method research involves the combination of qualitative and quantitative empirical methodologies within a single research design. (Although some consider the combination of quantitative theoretical methods with qualitative empirical methods to be mixed methods, the emerging consensus is that the term mixed methods refers to empirical analysis.) Political science long has used mixed methods—the study described in The American Voter (1960), for instance, used both statistical and qualitative analysis of survey questions—but specific acknowledgment of mixed methods has become increasingly popular in all sociobehavioral research in recent years.

One common claim is that quantitative research is useful for generalization about causality, and qualitative research is useful for the identification of mechanisms. Mixed method research can proceed concurrently (where qualitative and quantitative data are collected together), sequentially (where one type of analysis builds upon an already completed alternative analysis), or by converting data from one form to another for two separate analyses. Some mixed method research uses qualitative analysis, such as ethnographic or archival research, for the purpose of theory generation and then quantitative analysis for the purpose of theory testing. Nested analysis uses qualitative analysis of specific cases to either additionally test or else refine a theory already tested through large-N statistical analysis.


  1. Campbell, Angus, Philip Converse, Warren Miller, and Donald Stokes. The American Voter. New York:Wiley, 1960.

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