Necessary And Sufficient Condition Essay

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Necessary and sufficient condition is a philosophical concept in the study of causation and the relationship between statements. A necessary condition is one that is required for a specific result. For example, a necessary condition for receiving an A in an academic course might be that a student earn an A on the final exam. Therefore, if a student does not earn an A on the final, he or she will not secure an A in the course. If a student receives an A in the course, he or she must have scored an A on the final.

A sufficient condition is one that if satisfied guarantees a result, but may not be the only path to that result. For example, a sufficient condition for receiving an A in a course is that a student earn an A on every quiz. Consequently, if a student receives an A on all of the class quizzes, he or she will secure an A for the course. However, achieving an A grade on all quizzes is not a necessary condition, because a student could also gain an A by receiving A’s on all of the homework assignments.

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