Nobel Peace Prize Essay

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The Peace Prize is one of five prizes endowed by Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel, who believed that the potential for devastation created by his invention, dynamite, would put an end to war. The first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1901. Today it is worth about $1,650,000.

Over the years, the prizes have rewarded a variety of approaches to peace. The ninety-five individual prizes have been awarded to peace activists outside government, such as Jane Addams; to officials committed to international law, such as Dag Hammarskjöld; to opponents who agreed to negotiate, such as Anwar al-Sadat and Menachem Begin; and to those seeking justice and freedom in their own country but nonviolently, such as Martin Luther King Jr.Twenty organizations have won, including the International Committee of the Red Cross, which has won three times. In nineteen of the years since 1901, the prize has not been awarded. In some years there have been multiple winners.

Until 1960, when Albert Lutuli of South Africa won, all winners but one were from the United States or Europe. Since 1960, the reach of the prize has become global. Twelve women have won; three were among the twenty American winners. Bertha von Suttner, the first woman to win, was an activist and author of the antiwar novel Lay Down Your Arms; she is credited with persuading Nobel to create the prize. Some prizes have rewarded accomplishment, some have encouraged further action, and some have provided protection for winners from their own government.

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