Position Taking Essay

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Position taking refers to a type of electorally motivated behavior in which legislators publically express a stance on an issue of concern to constituents to increase their chances of reelection. This behavior is often regarded as an inexpensive— in terms of time and effort—means of policy intervention in favor of constituent interests, in that it may simply involve issuing a public statement or participating in a roll call vote rather than producing a solution.

Position taking may be risky on controversial issues, despite the actual ease of the process. Fear of defeat may spur legislators to adopt innovative issue stances to broaden electoral support in the constituency. However, the effectiveness of such entrepreneurial position taking depends on factors such as the heterogeneity of the constituent population and risk of offending existing supporters.

Due to the potential risk of alienating voters, candidates representing districts with diverse and conflicting interests may avoid position taking on polarizing issues to avert potential electoral hazards, such as creating unnecessary opposition. In addition, politicians facing decisive situations may seek to mitigate risk by offering a nuanced explanation of their opinions on the issue, though this option may be less effective in the face of a roll call vote.


  1. Mayhew, David R. Congress: The Electoral Connection. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004.

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