Spoils System Essay

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The spoils system, also known as patronage, is the practice of rewarding political supporters or voters by appointing them to public office or providing them with government contracts or services. Although the phrase typically refers to such practices in the United States, various forms of the spoils system are common throughout the world. After an election, because all or most appointees of the previous government have their tenures end and typically are removed from office, these vacant positions under the spoils system are typically replaced by loyalists from the new party that has assumed power. In addition, government-sponsored construction projects or other infrastructure measures or services often were awarded to companies who had supported the incoming party. Electoral wards or districts, and even states, benefited from government largesse.

With a spoils system, appointees and contracts are rewarded based on loyalty rather than competence or ability qualifications. Consequently, it fosters inefficiency and waste, and it prevents the development of a professional bureaucracy. However, defenders of the spoils system contend it ensures government posts are filled by those loyal and devoted to the success of the new government. In the United States, the spoils system was not only prevalent but unchecked until reforms such as the Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883 attempted to legitimize the federal bureaucracy with professionals based on merit versus party loyalists. While the spoils system continues to exist today, due to reforms and federal oversight, this method often is used for senior-level positions, such as political appointees.

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