Category: Education Essay Examples

See our collection of education essay examples. These example essays are to help you understanding how to write an essay on education essay topics. Modern education is an interdisciplinary field, including disciplines (to name just a few) such as history and sociology, as well as topical areas such as globalization and technology. Education essay examples below include essays on many disciplinary areas such as curriculum in education, educational policy and law, theories of education, the history of education, and the philosophy of education.

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Social Construction Of Disability Essay

The concept of the social construction of disability has become popularized as a result of two major factors. On one hand, individuals with medical and physical disabilities have been working for their civil rights to fully participate and have access to society commensurate with their able-bodied, able-minded peers. …

Social Foundations Of Education: Feminist Perspectives Essay

Feminist scholars have contributed significantly during the past forty years to the interdisciplinary development of the social foundations of education through their teaching, writing, performances, and activism. Many philosophers, historians, sociologists, and anthropologists in the social foundations field have worked diligently to counteract the omission of women’s thoughts …

The Social Frontier Essay

The Social Frontier is a magazine that was started in October 1934 by a group of faculty and graduate students at Teachers College, Columbia University. The magazine, which continued to be published in various forms until 1943, was the most interesting and important educational journal in the United …

Socialist Education And U.S. Children Essay

Throughout U.S. history, radical organizations and grassroots groups have created cultural and educational institutions of various kinds with the goal of promoting progressive social change. Newspapers, journals, colleges, schools, camps, speaking bureaus, literary societies, debating clubs, theater groups, and so on have been established for this purpose. Although …

Education For Social Justice Essay

Social justice is an overarching term used to examine the inequitable social arrangements found between individuals or groups of individuals, including (although not necessarily exclusive of) social class, race, gender, ethnicity, disability, and sexuality. The concept of justice can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, who considered …

Social Studies Education Essay

The social studies in K–12 education represents the specific area of the curriculum that deals with the social, cultural, and political content of what is being taught. In 1992, the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), the main professional leadership and accreditation group for social studies education …

Sociology Of Education Essay

The sociology of education has provided important insights into the ways in which schools affect individuals and groups. Through an examination of the relationship between society and schools, sociologists have uncovered how educational processes affect the way people think, live, and work; their place in society; and their …

Southern Regional Education Board Essay

Established in 1949, the Southern Regional Education Board is a sixteen-member interstate agency whose focus is to improve education from the prekindergarten level to the postsecondary level in its member states: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, …

Contemporary Issues of Special Education Essay

Several issues are currently in the forefront of special education. First, some minority groups continue to be disproportionately represented among those in special education. As demographics in the United States become increasingly diverse, professionals continue to be challenged with identifying students who truly need special education services and …

History Of Special Education Essay

The special education movement can be characterized as having three major phases, exclusion and isolation, access and inclusion, and accountability and empowerment. Historically, up until the mid-1960s and 1970s, disability was viewed as an abnormality or “freak of nature,” and individuals who had disabilities were forced into isolation …

Spelman College Essay

Spelman College is a historically Black women’s college in Atlanta, Georgia, that is now part of the Atlanta University Center Consortium. Over the years, Spelman has played a key role in training African American women for leadership and preparing them for graduate study. Spelman currently has about 2,100 …

Spirituality And Schooling Essay

The spiritual lives of children and adults are considered of utmost importance in education in many cultures. Psychiatrist Robert Coles noted in his travels that children throughout the world often expressed concern about matters spiritual. Yet when it comes to public schooling in countries such as the United …

Sports Mascots Essay

In the sports world, a mascot is a person, animal, or object that serves as a symbol of an athletic team. Schools at all levels, from elementary schools to universities, assign mascots and nicknames to their athletic teams. A mascot is important to a school because fans and …

Sputnik Essay

Sputnik 1, the world’s first artificial satellite, was launched from the Soviet Baikonur Cosmodrome on October 4, 1957. The satellite orbited the earth every ninety-six minutes, broadcasting signals from two radio transmitters that could be picked up by amateur radio operators around the world. Thus, the launch of …

Standardized Testing Essay

The term standardized testing is variously understood. For instance, some equate standardized testing as the delimiter to college entrance and predictor of academic success, whereas others see these examinations as sociocultural gatekeepers, testing only a limited portion of the schooling experience. This entry describes typical standardized tests, takes …

Standards Essay

Standards represent benchmarks for school achievement. In particular, content standards specify the subject matter that students are expected to learn. Performance standards identify the levels of proficiency that students are to meet in mastering particular skills. Opportunity-to-learn standards define the levels of available resources (such as school staff …

State Role In Education Essay

Education is a vital dimension of human existence that manifests throughout history from the prehistoric era, to ancient civilizations, to modern society and the postmodern era. Education serves a multiplicity of functions for humans, from basic survival to cultural transmission. The state, meaning any kingdom or nation at …

Stereotypes Of Teachers Essay

Everyone has an image of what teachers look and act like, conveyed through books, magazines, the media, and other forms of popular culture. Taken-for-granted assumptions about teachers comprise stereotypes that represent an oversimplified picture of teachers that shape who they are and what they do. Positive stereotypes of …

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Essay

The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC, pronounced “Snick”) was an organization of students and former students active in the civil rights movement during the 1960s. The group conducted voter registration drives and encouraged civil disobedience protests throughout the southeastern United States. The original members of the organization were …

Students For A Democratic Society Essay

Defunct since the early 1970s, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was an organization of more than 100,000 members, with chapters on more than 350 college campuses. Founded in 1960 as an offshoot of other organizations, SDS was originally dedicated to the causes of civil rights and social …